What To Do When You Can't Give 100%

Do you let Perfectionism and Procrastination rule your life?

 Are you a die-hard type? You know, the kind of person who goes all in or stays on the sidelines when it comes to a project. If you can't give it your all, it gets put on the back burner.

 I'm like that with most of my to-do lists. So how can we get things done when we don't feel like giving 100%? Try giving 70%

When we give ourselves the green light to give 70 percent, our mindset takes a turn. Instead of chasing maximum returns, we set our sights on reasonable goals.

If you feel like you have to give everything your all ALL the time, you could become stressed and burn out before you even get started.

Is there something in your life that you have been wanting to do but just can't make yourself start because you can't get your mind 100% wrapped around how everything will work out? What would happen if you told yourself you just needed to commit 70% to it instead. 

Let's say you are laying on the couch but need to get up and do a workout. You think to yourself, I can't make myself get up and do that 3 mile run. Switch your thinking to 70%. Getting up and doing a 20 minute work out video is suddenly feels achievable. 

I have wanted to have a blog for quite some time, and contemplated it for years! But every time I thought about it, the how to get started, what to write about, who was going to read it, I didn't even try. 

Someone said that it is better to give a B effort than none at all. Hearing that really stuck with me. That is what I needed to just start.

With anything in life the more you do it, the more you practice it, the easier it becomes. Practice = Progress

We live in a world that has told us we have to give everything our all. It's no wonder that so many suffer from burnout or never even begin something they desire.  When you can't give 100% give it 70% and call it a day! 




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